Make A Move
Every. Move. Matters.

This is how we change the world.The dream of our team is for the love of Jesus to grow hands and feet and move into the 603 and beyond. LOVE603 is that dream realized.
We regularly pilot events and/or partner with local organizations and charitable groups to provide goods and services to those in need here at home, but we're also passionate about reaching beyond the 603 to take the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

Why Your Move Matters
Every opportunity we get to see the goods of the Gospel come to life in our building and in our communities is a WIN worth celebrating. No strings attached generosity...serving the underserved...learning how to make a’s what we hope to do!
Our teams work from behind the scenes all the way to the platform to make Movement happen. See how you can be a part and join a team today!
Next Gen Team
Want to make a difference in the lives of the next generation? Consider joining our team!• EarlyMOVERS (Birth – 4 years old)
• KidMOVERS (K – 5th Grade)
• StudentMOVERS (6th-12th)
*All Next Gen volunteers go through a full background check.

Experience Team
There are opportunities on this team for everyone- the introvert and the extrovert, the skilled and the unskilled, the knowledgeable and the novice. From Greeters to the Communion servers, our hope is to create services that are captivating, challenging, encouraging, honoring to God, and welcoming to people.
Worship Team
Our Worship Team includes the band, the sound technicians, and the video and lighting crew. All things production! If you have musical or technical gifts and you’d like more information on whether your gifts match up with opportunities, we’d love to hear from you.
Baptism is one of the most incredible things we get to celebrate at Movement. Whether it’s at the beach or in the building, if you have questions or would like more information on baptism, let's talk!
Upcoming Events
We want you to be a part of all that's happening at Movement. Check out what's happening next!

Not only is your generosity making everything that happens at 27 Depot Street possible, your generosity is changing the world! When you give, you are part of what God is doing at MOVEMENT, all over the 603, and beyond.
Give Online
Using our safe, secure online giving platform, you can feel safe about your gift.Give on Sunday
During service, place your offering in our drop boxes to give onsite.Give by Mail
Movement Christian Church27 Depot Street
Merrimack, NH 03054