When Love Moves into the neighborhood.

What is LOVE603?
At MOVEMENT, we organize an all-church LOVE603 opportunity every month and we invite everyone who calls MOVEMENT home, as well as those who aren't quite sure but want to make a difference in the world, to join in. We also, encourage and empower MOVERS to identify needs and MOVE to meet them on their own. We call these organic opportunities. These don't require or invite the whole church's participation, just a small pocket of world changers. These organic MOVEMENTS can happen at any time, through a MOVINGroup seeing a need or an individual who wants to serve someone in need.
See the Power of Love in Action
603 Day is our annual opportunity to make a difference in our community in a big way. Every year in June, we deploy teams throughout the 603 to give a day away and love our neighbors in the way of Jesus.
Check out this recap of 2024 603 Day!
"For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Galatians 5:14